Message From HoD

Department of Humanities at COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus enjoys unique collaborative position among other faculties and departments. The department links the technical knowledge in the fields of technology and management with the essential skills in language and social insight. Since the inception of department, department has secured the satisfaction from the parents and students alike. Department plays its pro-active role in the progression of human knowledge through innovation. To serve the purpose, I encourage my faculty members to go beyond the traditional means of doing research and help students learn the spirit of innovation and curiosity. The department is flourishing with the addition of many exciting components in the academic side and also with the timely update of the existing course contents. As it is unfolding, world is witnessing emerging trends in academic research and teaching. Therefore, it is highly needed to catch-up with the upcoming trends and in this pursuit Department of Humanities is not way behind the other departments at COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus. I as in charge of the department always seek the highest standards of academic discipline, inclusion of emerging trends in teaching and research, and burning aspiration for innovation and productivity among my faculty members.

Dr Musferah Mehfooz